Blog Post #2 – How AR Can Help Education

Hi yiran,

Thank you for sharing. After reading your sharing, I began to think about the difference between VR and AR. VR technology allows the user to be placed in a virtual three-dimensional space environment to simulate the human senses. The user is completely immersed in it. Visual human-computer interaction has therefore been promoted in the education field, but it cannot be popularized in the basic education field due to its high cost and high hardware requirements. The emergence of AR technology makes up for the shortcomings of VR technology. It will virtualize objects and placed them in the real world and analyzed to produce meaningful exploration. Interactive methods based on AR technology provide educators with a new way to express to learning objects, and have a huge impact on the education industry. But there is a new problem that has emerged. I hope we can discuss it together. If the cost issue is not considered, which of AR and VR technologies is more suitable for existence and education?